Sunday, April 10, 2011

Castillo de San Marcos Fort

The Castillo de San Marcos is the oldest masonry Fort in the United States. The Fort construction was originally completed in 1695. In 1702 the English attempted to capture the city of St. Augustine. All 1200 residents of the city and the Fort's 300 soldiers remained protected inside the wall for two months during the siege. In 1763, the British managed to take control of the Fort as a result of the Treaty of Paris and not by force. The Fort changed hands many times through the years until 1924 when it was designated as a National Monument. In 1933 ownership was transferred to the National Park Service. Its original name was restored in 1942 to Castillo de San Macros. The photo shows the Plaza de Armas better known as the Central Courtyard.


  1. Over 300 years old. Hard to believe that we have not demolished it for urban renewal! Looks pretty neat to me! Sorry we didn't get to tell you about the lighthouse. Maybe next trip....

  2. Looks like I'll have to go inside the fort my next trip to Jax in May.
