Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 11 - University Day

Temperatures in Florida have subsided a bit to a high of 85F. That breaks the trend of 90 for so many days. It was quite breezy driving westward on Route 10, it felt like I was driving behind a semi most of the way. Gasoline purchased today was again at $3.799/gallon.
I spent a good deal of time visiting the campuses in Gainesville and Tallahassee today, specifically the football stadiums. Each stadium has its own unique features. There was a surprise guest at Florida State, Jim Kelly was there with his son who evidently is a recruiter for the Seminoles. It was also nice to meet one of the 1999 FSU National Champions players. Thank you Ryan for being so informative on Seminole matters as well as being congenial to an outsider. This speaks well for the School.
I am off to Pensacola tomorrow to the National Museum of Naval Aviation and perhaps a Lighthouse.
Take care everyone!

The Traveller

1 comment:

  1. You do seem to have good luck with the serendipitous sightings! Nice job...
