Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 3 - Back to the Olden Days

The temperature just continues to rise, this time to 88F in Charleston. What will it be in Key West?
Although I did not purchase any gasoline today, the price in South Carolina is at $3.539/gallon. This is the lowest price to date.
I really enjoyed the boat ride to Fort Sumter and just walking around Charleston. It really is a fantastic City. It has the narrow streets like New Orleans, the Trolleys like San Francisco, and no Skyscrapers unlike New York and other major cities. One can actually see the sun just walking the streets.
I visited the Heyward-Washington House located on Church Street. The house was built in 1772 just to give one an idea just how old the City has been in existence. The mahogany furniture in the house was stunning. The tour guide stated that the furniture was appraised but the appraisers could not put a price on them.
I am off to Georgia tomorrow and plan on using route 17 better known as Georgia's Pristine Coast Road.
Signing off for now!

The Traveller


  1. What a great place to start your trip.....such history!!!

  2. Also wish I had a piece of that stunning mahogany!!!! Bet it was beautiful.

  3. Good luck with the heat.....must be quite a change from a few days ago, eh? We will check in with you on Sunday.
