Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fort Zachary Taylor

This picture taken in the Central Yard of Fort Zachary Taylor. The Fort is located near the southern tip of Key West, Florida. It was named President Zachary Taylor after his sudden death in 1850. During the Civil War the Union controlled the Fort to use it as an outpost to threaten blockade runners. The Fort was also used during the Spanish-American War in 1898. In 1973 the Fort was designated a National Historic Landmark.
I just want to add the Fort is in the worst shape of any Forts I have visited.


  1. This was one spot we didn't see...sounds like a bust to me.....

  2. We shouldn't let our own history go to ruin this way...I'm sure the gov't has wasted enough money on other projects that could have been used to restore this fort...not a priorty???

  3. I don't think we(US) are interested in history....too busy watching reality tv.
