Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 10 - Am I A Floridian?

Temperatures once again hit 90F, it has become a staple here in Florida.
Gasoline prices remained steady today at $3.799/gallon. Have the prices up North leveled off?
I was a bit late in getting on the road today, it must be a retirement thing.
I wanted to mention on yesterdays post that I left Key West with a total of 1823 miles travelled. This is a far cry from last years trip. I believe I left my end destination with over 6350 miles. I am thinking the gasoline bill may be the same though.
I am off to Gainesville tomorrow to see if Tim Tebow has returned and then head westward to Tallahassee.
I trust that everyone weekend will be a pleasant one.
Until then!

The Traveller


  1. The answer to that question is NOOOOO????!!!!

  2. You did good on the pics today....

  3. Too bad you missed Jim Kelly today.....I would've thought he would be down in Miami...go figure. Nice that you could get on the field and all.
