Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 6 - Kennedy Space Center Day

Temperature again peaked out at 92F, leaving some concern of a drought in Florida. I know the last three days have been tough on my body but I am surviving much better now.
The price of gasoline continues to rise to $3.799/gallon. I am not sure of the prices up North but it seems there is no end to the increases down here.
I really enjoyed today's guided tour of the Kennedy Space Center. The Kennedy Space Center is such a massive area that one can only view it by bus. The air conditioned bus didn't hurt to temper the 92F heat also. The last time I was here there were many more alligators out and about but no bald eagles. The entire bus trip of over two hours produced only one alligator. Two eaglets were spotted this time; however.
It is off to Key West tomorrow and those beautiful sunsets.
Be good everyone!

The Traveller

1 comment:

  1. Hope you make it safely to Key West today...then set back and enjoy a few brewskis?? and the beautiful views.... that is how you enjoy the Keyes!!!
