Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 23 - It's Revolutionary! Day

The temperatures were in the high 70s to mid 80s today with a high of 84F. It was extremely windy all day as there were threats of a tornado.
Gasoline purchased today came in @3.819/gallon today.
I spent the morning hours at Colonial Williamsburg. I chose not to purchase tickets for the tours of the houses, businesses, and loyalty places. I just walked around the town. I think it was a wise choice as Yorktown Battlefield was waiting in the wings. I was really impressed with the Yorktown Battlefield. This was basically the last battle between the Patriots/French and the British. Independence had finally come.
Mount Vernon is next on my list to do!
Have a joyous day tomorrow!

The Traveller

1 comment:

  1. My thanks to the many of us today have forgotten that without them.....we would be speaking the Queen's English today!
