Friday, April 15, 2011

Henry Ford Winter Estate

In 1916 Ford purchased the adjacent property to Edison. In 1928 the original building was dismantled and reconstructed to what one sees in this picture. Ford only used this retreat two weeks in any given year up to and until his last visit in 1934. In 1988 the Ford estate was acquired by the City of Fort Myers and opened to the public in 1990. One can not enter into any of the rooms of the house as each entry way has a plexi-glass petition preventing one access. In 1891 Henry Ford went to work as an Engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company which was established by Thomas Alva Edison in 1880.


  1. I would have loved to see many rooms could you see????

  2. I never knew that Ford worked for Edison at one time....did I get that right?
