Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 24 - Father of Our Country Day

The temperatures were a bit cooler but did reach 75F in the afternoon.
No gasoline purchased today as the driving mileage was kept to a minimum due to the traffic in Alexandria area.
I spent just about the whole day at Mount Vernon taking in George Washington's estate. He truly was a remarkable man. From the Farmer, Commander of the Continental Army, President of the Constitutional Congress, President of the United States, and his admiration of all his peers, it was no wonder that he is the only President to be elected unanimously. Where have you gone George Washington!
I am off to Philadelphia and the state of New Jersey tomorrow.
Until then everyone!

The Traveller


  1. Sorry not to SKYPE but I can't talk without coughing....there has to be a George out there for 2012???

  2. Let's hope it's not the Donald....he is not so good!

    George was the MAN.....
